The Imagine Series - Scenario I - The Black Hand(PG rated)

Ok so here's the deal. Every now and then I will conjure up a random scenario and post it under the imagine series. It will be lame and unlikely to happen in real life, hence the title 'Imagine'. But, I do hope that you all can really imagine it and then drop comments on what you would do or react. So, to kick-start this off, here's scenario I:

IMAGINE you're totally about to burst, because you've just went through a 4-hour meeting with no breaks in between, and your bladder can barely hold it all in. So after the meeting, you run (faster than Flash) to the toilet, and do your business. As you start to feel relieved, and look around the cubicle, you start to notice something eerie. As you have been looking up at the ceiling and all (we all tend to look upwards when we're relieving ourselves on the throne), you failed to notice a huge black hand extending from beneath the cubicle door. The hand is black, or extremely dark brown, and its as hairy as an ape. The hand is extending so slowly that you've failed to notice any movement from the corner of your eye. Now, its directly at your leg, about to grab it.

Ok, this scenario is special, as there are 2 parts, and so, 2 answers are needed.

Part One: What would you do?
P.S: The door opens outwards

You somehow managed to prevent the black hand from reaching you, and you obviously know that the toilet is empty except for you and him. Or so you think. Looking up to find a way to climb out of the cubicle, you finally realised why your teachers always told you to go to toilet in pairs. 

Above you, lining the walls of the cubicle, are three black heads, and 6 eerie yellow eyes are staring back at you. As you open your mouth to scream, you see three sets of Darlie-white teeth grinning........

Part Two: What would you do NOW?
P.S: They aren't props, meaning there are 4 black dudes altogether - 1 directly outside the door, 3 others in the surrounding cubicles. (sorry des)


p.s when leaving comments, and you do not have a blog, select anonymous, but please state your name before you type your comments, e.g "johnny: hoho haha hehe"



Anonymous said...

1. i will cover the toilet seat, squat on it, observe the hand and surrounding in case anything more shocking happens.

2. i will say 'fuck' to myself, see if the heads are real living things or just some 'props', open the door and exit. all these should happen in less than 4 seconds.

Anonymous said...

1. Cry out, jump back and start kicking my way out no matter what might happen.

2. If 1. worked I doubt there's gonna be a need for 2. otherwise I'm screwed

Anonymous said...

1. Pin the hand down, away from me, then start plucking the hair, strand by strand... Slow torture.

2. Did someone say "Darlie-white teeth"? Heck running away, here's someone who uses a sure-white-teeth toothpaste and I'm so gonna squeeze the secret out of them...

Anonymous said...

1. i will scream, freak out, jerk my legs up and jump on the toilet seat. Maybe throw toilet paper at the hand.

2. scream again, and jump at the door. since it opens outwards, hopefully my body weight can slam down whoever that is outside. and run the hell away.

ps. btw i don't stare at the ceiling in the toilet. i always stare at the floor or the door lol.

Anonymous said...

Bro! Here's what I'll do.

1. I will definitely drenched in cold sweat. I will give myself a quick 3 seconds count. Then I will scream and give it all out by kicking and stamping on the hand. Then I will bang open the door as hard as I can and dash to the door.

2. I'll say my prayers loudly. LOL. Dude I have no where else to go.