
can anyone be perfect? this question has been asked since the the invention of language, and has been repeated all this time. even now, people question the existence of such perfection in man. in my eyes, perfection is impossible in man. even computers, machines malfunction at times. why? because they were created by man. despite saying that, it would be foolish to think that since no one is perfect, then there is no point trying to be perfect. on the contrary, people should be fighting to be perfect, to break out of their own boundaries, to create new limits, to be the best they ever can.

everything has a limit. there is a limit to how fast man can run, how strong man can be, how much pain man can endure. in fact, the brain too has a limit. it is just the fact that the limit is far too high for us to see, such that we assume the possibilities of the mind to be 'limitless'. this shows that even our comprehensive abilities has a limit. then the interesting point comes. the trick to 'perfection' then is to have your limits so high that it is impossible for others to see. then, in their eyes, you will be 'perfect'.

it is very common to find people exclaiming," wow, you are so good! that's impossible, man!" the irony in that sentence is, if it is impossible, why has it been achieved? the fact that it is real and right before you proves that it is not impossible, and can be achieved by anyone.

fortunately, people see the underlying truth about perfection, and seek ways to hone their skills to reach that 'impossible'. though in order to achieve that, sacrifices have to be made, as long as one's will to achieve it is strong enough, it will be accomplished.